Advanced Search for an Application

An advanced search allows you to perform a more detailed search for applications, including inactive applications (ones that are complete or cancelled). To perform an advanced search, complete the following steps:


  1. From the Home Page, click the Advanced Search link. The Application Search screen appears. (You can also open the Application Search screen by clicking the Advanced Search button on the Quick Search window).


  2. In the Search By section, enter what details you know about the application. Of the fields marked with an asterisk (*), at least one must be completed. Use the Tab key to move from field to field; use the Shift + Tab key combination to move backwards.

    Fields that require explanations are as follows:

    Application Number
    - the Expert application number.

    Legacy Application Number
    - for an application that had existed in legacy D+H software (i.e. MortgageBase, ECNI or LSS), you can enter its application number here. Alternatively, if the application originated from the brokerage firm's website, then you can enter the application source ID in this field to search for it.

    Exact Match
    - forces Expert to perform an exact match for the information you enter in the associated field. For example, if Exact Match is selected for Applicant Last Name, and you enter "Lee" in the field, Expert returns only applicants with the last name of Lee. However, if Exact Match is not selected, Expert returns all applicants whose last name begins with the letters Lee (e.g. Leer, Leery, Leeson, etc.).

    Principal Applicant
    - if searching by applicant information, this button limits the search to only principal applicants (also known as primary applicants).

    All Applicants
    - if searching by applicant information, this button opens the search to all applicants rather than just principal applicants.

  3. In the Filter By section, you can filter the search results by the available criteria. Fields that require explanation are as follows:

    - search for applications by Lender. The first dropdown is to select the lender type. The second dropdown is to select the lender. You must also select Current or Submitted. Selecting Current will result in deals that have been sent to the lender for underwriting (i.e., no response has been received). Selecting Submitted will result in deals that have been sent to the lender and have been responded to.

    Date Type
    - allows you to filter by various date types: Closing, Maturity, Approval, Application Date, and Submission Date. Enter the From and To dates using the dynamic calendar function.

    Application Status
    - select a specific status of the deals you would like to see. Tip: to see applications your assistant is currently working on, select the assistant's name in the Assistant dropdown, and then select In Progress from the Application Status dropdown.

    Application Type
    - selecting All searches for both Approval and Pre-Approval applications. Otherwise select either Approval or Pre-Approval applications to search for.

    -  If searching only for active deals, select Active. If searching for inactive deals (ones that are complete or have been cancelled), select Inactive. If searching for both active and inactive deals, select All.  

  4. In the Sort By section, you can arrange your results in ascending or descending order based on the following criteria:

    Applicant Name
    Application Number
    Property Address

    Deal Status


  5. To conduct your search, click the Search button. Expert returns its results based on the search criteria you had entered.


  6. To open an application, click its Open button. The Application Summary screen opens. If you do not have rights to the application, the application summary opens in a PDF document.



  1. To edit an application, click its Edit button. The Application Edit screen opens. If you do not have rights to edit, the View button is displayed instead. Clicking the View button opens the mortgage application in a PDF document.