Forms and documents related to the mortgage are available for editing, viewing, printing, and saving from the Forms screen. Open the Forms screen by clicking Forms in the Left Navigation Pane. Forms are displayed according to the operating region of the agent on the deal. For example, if the operating region of the agent is BC, the BC forms are displayed.
Note 1: If there is no mortgage yet entered on the deal, then the documents associated with the mortgage (e.g., Mortgage Summary, Disclosure forms, etc.) do not display on the Forms screen. Only the Consent Form will show.
Note 2: If the deal is a pre-approval, the MPP (Mortgage Protection Plan) Request does not display on the Forms screen.
Most forms are identified by the Edit button (). To edit or add information to a specific Form, click its Edit button. The screen associated with the form opens. The example below shows an Ontario Disclosure Form.
Note: Some forms are opened by clicking the Print button, such as a provincial disclosure to borrower.
Add/edit the necessary details on the form.
Note: For forms and documents that disclose fees, such as the Disclosure Form, any fees that were entered in the Fees screen are automatically populated.
Click the Save button to apply your changes and return to the Forms screen.
To print a single document, select its Select checkbox, and click the Print button. The document opens as a PDF in a separate window, from which you can print.
Certain documents, such as the provincial disclosure to borrower, open as a form for you to enter information prior to printing.
Select (check) the checkboxes of the documents you want to print. To select all documents, click the Select All button.
Click the Print Documents button at the top of the page.
Each document is merged into a larger, single PDF document, which opens in a separate window, from which you can print.