Extracting a CSV (Comma Separated Value) File

You can extract data from Expert to create a standard .csv file for import into a CRM program or spreadsheet. You can extract information from to a range of deals determined by specific criteria, or you can extract information related to the deal you are working on.


Note: Extracting a CSV file is an optional tool that must be requested by your firm.

Extracting Data from a Range of Deals:

Extracting Data from the Deal you are Working On:


Extracting Data from a Range of Deals:

Extracting data from a range of deals is done via the Tools menu. Complete the following steps:


  1. Click the Tools menu. The Financial Tools screen appears.

  2. Click the Extract to CRM link. The CRM Extract Deal Search Criteria screen appears.


  3. Enter your search criteria:

    Lender Name - select a Lender from the dropdown
    Application #  - complete From and To criteria
    Approval Date - complete From and To criteria
    Closing Date - complete From and To criteria
    Application Enter Date - complete From and To criteria
    Maturity Date - complete From and To criteria

  4. Click Search to display the results.


  5. Select the deals(s) that you want in the extraction file. To select all records, select the Select All Unlocked Records checkbox. To select only the records on the page, select the Select All Unlocked Records On This Page checkbox.

  6. From the CSV File dropdown box, select the type of information to be extracted.


  7. Expert creates the file in the background. Click OK to the confirmation message that appears.

  8. The time to create the file is dependent on the size  Clicking the Extract to CRM link on the Tools screen displays the progress status.

  9. When the file has been created, click the Extract to CRM link on the Tools screen again. You are prompted to open or save the file. Save it to your computer, and then import it into your CRM program of choice.


Extracting Data from the Deal you are Working On:

Extracting data from the application you are working on is done via the Services screen. Complete the following steps:


  1. With the application open, click the Services on the Left Navigation Pane. The Services screen opens. Scroll to the CRM section


  2. From the CSV File dropdown, select the type of information to be extracted for the deal.

  3. Expert creates the file in the background. When the file has been created, you are prompted to open or save the file. Save it to your computer, and then import it into your CRM program of choice.