When an application is open, the different ratios are displayed at the top of the screen. These ratios are updated when the application is saved.
The Deal column displays ratios based on all applicants and co-signers entered on the deal regardless if they are assigned to a mortgage or not. A guarantor never affects the deal ratios.
Each mortgage column (1st Mtg, 2nd Mtg, and 3rd Mtg) displays ratios based on the applicants and any co-signers assigned to that respective mortgage. A guarantor never affects the mortgage ratios.
1st Mtg - calculated based on the applicants and co-signers assigned to the 1st mortgage.
2nd Mtg - calculated based on the applicants and co-signers assigned to the 2nd mortgage.
3rd Mtg - calculated based on the applicants and co-signers assigned to the 3rd mortgage.
Also note that the deal and mortgage ratios are based on the qualifying details that are entered for the deal.
Related Topics: About Additional Applicants and Unassigning Applicants from Mortgage
To manually calculate ratios, follow the formulae below where:
P = Principal
I = Interest
T = Property Taxes
H = Heating costs
CF = Condo Fees
L = Liability
GAI = Gross Annual Income
n.b. it is useful to convert all of your figures to annual or monthly before calculating the ratios manually.
Gross Debt Service Ratio:
GDS = ( (P + I + T + H + (CF x .50) ) x 12) / GAI
Monthly mortgage payment (P+I) + Taxes (T) + Heat (H) + ½ Condo Fees* x 12
Gross Annual income
Note: Expert automatically uses 50% of condo fees in the calculation.
Note: Some lenders may vary this calculation, so therefore use the calculations as a guideline. Be sure to track your lender preferences.
Total Debt Service Ratio:
TDS = ( (P + I + T + H + L + (CF x .50) ) x 12) / GAI
Mortgage payments* (P+I) + Taxes* (T) + Heat* (H) + Liabilities* + ½ Condo Fees* x 12
Gross Annual income
Note: Expert automatically uses 50% of condo fees in the calculation.
Note: Some lenders may vary this calculation, so therefore use the calculations as a guideline. Be sure to track your lender preferences.
Loan to Value:
Amount of Mortgage(s)/ Value of the Home = LTV
Net Worth:
Assets - Liabilities = Net Worth