For each additional fee that is to be received for your deal, complete the following steps:
With the Commissions screen open, click the Add Additional Fees button.
The Fees section refreshes with an empty dropdown and associated fields.
From the available dropdown, select the fee type:
Mortgage Insurance
Closing Services
FirstLine Visa
Retroactive Fee
Reverse Finders Fee
Referral Fee
Other (if used, enter in a description in the field below the dropdown).
Either enter a percentage in the Basis Points field, or enter the dollar value in the Amount field.
If entering basis points, the dollar amount in the Amount field calculates automatically. (To remove the basis points, simply delete the percentage from the Basis Points field, and the Amount field becomes editable.)
When a fee is received, enter the Funds Received date. The fee can then be tracked in the Commissions Report.
If it is required to update the deal status, select the status from the New Status dropdown, and click the Update Status button.
If a previous or current fee is reversed, you can enter a negative amount in the Amount field to show the reversal.